- 07/023: Problems in Applied Geometric Measure Theory, Many-particle Systems, Epidemiology, and Phase Transitions, Workshop at Bingen University (joint with T. Blesgen, N. Dirr, A. Stevens)
- 03/2022: Curvature Energies, Minisymposium at SIAM Materials (virtual) (joint with P. Dondl)
- 09/2021: Free boundary problems in cell biology , Minisymposium at Free Boundary Problems: Theory and Applications (virtual, joint with C. Gräser).
- 03/2018. Workshop The Mathematics of Mechanobiology and Cell Signaling, Oberwolfach, mit D. Ambrosi, C. Liu, A. Stevens.
- 09/2016. Workshop des GAMM Fachausschusses Analysis Partieller Differentialgleichungen, Dortmund.
- 11/2015. Satellite Workshop Multi-physics geometric PDE using deformable surfaces: analysis, modelling, numerics and applications des Programms Coupling geometric PDEs with physics for cell morphology, motility and pattern formation des Newton Institutes for Mathematical Sciences, mit M. Jensen, C. Makridakis, V. Styles und C. Venkataraman.
- 06/2012. Focus session Biomembranes, Konferenz Free boundary problems 2012, Frauenchiemsee.
- 03/2011. Workshop der DFG Forschergruppe Analysis and Stochastics in Complex Physical Systems, Dortmund.
- 01/2011. Seminar der DFG Forschergruppe Analysis and Stochastics in Complex Physical Systems, Dortmund.
- 09/2008. Miniworkshop Mathematics of biomembranes, Oberwolfach, Organisation mit Prof. B. Niethammer, Prof. H. Garcke, Prof. M. A. Peletier.
- 07/2008. Minisymposium Singular structures in variational PDE, ECM 08 Amsterdam, Organisation mit Prof. M. A. Peletier.
- 07/2007. Minisymposium GA/MP396/002 Mechanical properties of biomembranes, ICIAM 07 Zürich, mit Dr. R. Dimova (MPI für Kolloid und Grenzflächenforschung, Golm).